Easysweet Ecstasy (MDMA) Rapid Test is a one-step in vitro test based on immunochromatography. The Easysweet Ecstasy (MDMA) Rapid Test is designed for the qualitative determination of Ecstasy drug substances in human urine samples. This assay can be used in point-of-care settings.

MDMA Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) is a designer drug first synthesized in 1914 by a German pharmaceutical company for the treatment of obesity. People who take Ecstasy often report adverse effects, such as muscle tension and increased sweating. The ecstasy drug is clearly not a stimulant, although it has the same ability to increase blood pressure and heart rate as the amphetamine drug. Ecstasy does produce some perceptual changes in some users, such as increased sensitivity to light, difficulty concentrating and blurred vision. Its mechanism of action is thought to be through the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Ecstasy drugs may also release dopamine, although this is widely believed to be a secondary effect of the drug. The most common effect of Ecstasy,
The Easysweet Ecstasy (MDMA) Rapid Test analyzes specific compounds in human urine samples based on the principle of specific immunochemical reactions between antibodies and antigens. The assay relies on competition for bound antibody between the drug conjugate and free drug that may be present in the urine sample being tested. When ecstasy is present in urine samples, it competes with the drug conjugate for a limited amount of antibody-dye conjugate. When the amount of ecstasy drug is equal to or greater than the critical value, it will prevent the binding of the drug conjugate to the antibody. Therefore, a urine sample that is positive in an ecstasy drug test will not show a colored band in the test line area, indicating a positive result, and a colored band indicating a negative result. A control line exists in the test window for program control. If the ecstasy drug testing device is well preserved and the ecstasy drug test is performed correctly, this colored strip should always appear on the control line area.
This ecstasy drug test (MDMA drug test) provides preliminary analytical test results only. In order to obtain confirmed analytical results, more specific alternative chemical methods must be used. Globally, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) has been established as the preferred confirmation method. Any drug abuse test results should be subject to clinical consideration and professional judgment, especially in the event of an initial positive result.
The Easysweet Ecstasy (MDMA) Rapid Test is used to verify the integrity of urine samples and should not be used for in vitro diagnostic purposes. The cut-off level for the MDMA drug test (MDMA drug test) is 500 ng/ml MDMA. For Easysweet Ecstasy (MDMA) Rapid Test, please contact Customer Service. The Easysweet Ecstasy (MDMA) Rapid Test is a great deal if you buy it in bulk.
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